
Step Gacha Guide

Paid Step Summon

Paid Step Summon」 requires paid diamonds to summon. There are 6 tiers with different rates and rewards.
        Completing 6 tiers will return back to tier 1.
2021/17/06  2021/01/07 00:00
■Pure White Shard

「Pure White Shard」 can be received after tier 6.
※3 can be traded for a Pure White Satanael Summon Offering or Pure White Satanael Great Sword.
※「Pure White Satanael Offering」 summons 「Pure White Satanel」.

2021/17/06  2021/01/07 00:00
Paid Summon
Tier 付費寶石數 SR出現機率 召喚特典
Tier 1 1000 Diamonds for 10 summon SR3.5%  
Tier 2 2000 Diamonds for 10 Summon SR3.5%  
Tier 3 3000 Diamonds for 10Summon SR7% 「SR Lapis Soul Crystal 1」
&「Rune Ingot 4」
Tier 4 3000 diamonds for 10 summon SR7% 「Goddess Dew 1」
&「Orichalcum  Ingots
Tier 5 3000 diamonds for 10 summon SR10.5%
& Pure White Satanael 1% Pickup
「SR Lapis Soul Crystal 1」
&「Skill Transmutation Stone 3」
Tier 6 3000 diamonds for 10 summon SR10.5%
& Pure White Satanael 1% Pickup & Guarantee 1 SR
「Pure White Shard 1」
※SR Djinn is guaranteed on tier 6
※Rates in each tier can be seen in Rate Overview
※Rates are rounded so may not add up to 100%
※Please consult Rate Overview for more information
※Doing a summon every tier will reward players with Special Summon Offering 1, High Rank Equipment transmutation stone 1, Proof of Trust 100.
■Pure White Satanael

Pure White Satanael is also available in GoetiaFest Summon.
※Setting Pure White Satanael in home page will also change the background.